No Wellness Wankery

31: Scientists have proven that "diet foods" trick you into eating MORE

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00:00 | 16:04

We are in a wave of new information and research about the gut-brain axis. How the health of our gut can impact our mental health. But did you know this goes both ways? What our thoughts are around food - 'good' foods and 'bad' foods - impacts our stomach and how we feel after eating.

Remember food isn’t good or bad, food is just food. Yet every day, we’re bombarded with conflicting advice about what we ‘should’ be eating.  We know it's very easy to tell you 'don't label foods as good or bad', but the Milkshake experiment showed us why it really matters.

Wtf is the Milkshake Experiment? It's a 2011 study, where psychologist Alia Crum got volunteers to drink a 'healthy' milkshake and an 'unhealthy' milkshake... the results will amaze you.

P.s. Have you tried a bajillion diets, only to regain the weight (and more)? It’s likely that diet culture is keeping you stuck in this vicious cycle, full of empty promises and failed attempts. If you want to build real health, check out my best-selling book Your Weight is Not the Problem. Get the deets and access to a free audio sample HERE.

Want to feel more in control around food? Check out my Stop Struggling With Food Guide, currently on sale for 40% off.
You’ll also find 50 of my favourite recipes to get you inspired!

Looking for more support to feel in control around food? I'd love to support you in my Binge Free Academy

Come follow me on the gram at @nude_nutritionist (no nude pics, sorry).

Want to share some feedback or have an idea for an episode, I'd LOVE to hear from you - hit me up at

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