

Lyndi Cohen

Hey! I’m Lyndi Cohen, but you might know me as The Nude Nutritionist.

I’m a dietitian and a nutritionist who thinks life's too short to count calories or sacrifice 95% of your life to weigh 5% less. Don’t you think?

In a world of strange superfoods and unregulated wellness influencers, I'm all about calling out wellness wankery and promoting real health and a healthy body image.
You can follow me on Instagram (@nude_nutritionist) or visit my website to stay in touch.

Want help to be healthy without dieting while breaking free of a boring food rut? Check out my Back to Basics App,

If you're looking for help with binge or emotional eating, check out my Keep It Real Program.

Jenna D'Apice

Hey I’m Jenna D’Apice! I’m a radio presenter and content creator, but what brings me to No Wellness Wankery? I’ve been on a diet my whole life...

I love the idea of intuitive eating and accepting your body and all that stuff but some days, I just don’t buy into it. I want to be healthier but I don’t want to get sucked into the wellness wankery. So I’m here to learn along with you, and ask the questions you might be wondering about protein powders or pasta.