No Wellness Wankery

44: The TRICK to exercising consistently with Turia Pitt

January 17, 2023
44: The TRICK to exercising consistently with Turia Pitt
No Wellness Wankery
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No Wellness Wankery
44: The TRICK to exercising consistently with Turia Pitt
Jan 17, 2023

To kick off 2023, we have decided to mix up the format of No Wellness Wankery.  And we are outrageously pleased to introduce our first guest to the podcast, Turia Pitt.

Over ten years ago - At age 24, Turia Pitt's life was drastically changed. She was competing in a 100km ultra marathon in the Australian outback, she encountered an out of control grassfire. Turia was trapped by the flames, and suffered burns to 65% of her body.

She survived against the overwhelming odds, undergoing over 200 medical procedures and has gone on to rebuild an extraordinary life. She has written three best-selling books, given birth to 2 babies, has coached thousands of people to lead happier lives through the Run with Turia program, which Lyndi has personally done.

Lyndi asks Turia about how she ensures greatness is squeezed into everyday, how she uses movement on bad body image days and the simple tricks to ensuring you remain consistent with exercise.

Spoiler: It's not about enlisting the help of an even scarier person to yell at you at the gym to do one more rep....

Oh and if you’ve EVER thought about learning how to run... if you like the idea of being a runner but worry that you don’t have time or don’t look like a runner or can’t even jog for 50m without getting puffed out... then you’ve gotta check out Turia Pitt's Run with Turia program. 

You’ll have the best running coach in Turia Pitt, who I reckon is the real, deal. Her advice is doable, realistic (and totally free from wellness wankery) even if you’re a busy mum or human. 

Did you see I was recently on Turia's insanely wonderful podcast? If not, check out the episode here to hear me explain why you shouldn't set a weight loss goal this year...  

If you aren't already, would highly recommend following Turia on Instagram

Want to feel more in control around food? Check out my Stop Struggling With Food Guide, currently on sale for 40% off.
You’ll also find 50 of my favourite recipes to get you inspired!

Get my Free 5 Day Course to help you stop binge and emotional eating. 

Looking for more support to feel in control around food? I'd love to support you in my Binge Free Academy

Come follow me on the gram at @nude_nutritionist (no nude pics, sorry).

Want to share some feedback or have an idea for an episode, I'd LOVE to hear from you - hit me up at

Show Notes Transcript

To kick off 2023, we have decided to mix up the format of No Wellness Wankery.  And we are outrageously pleased to introduce our first guest to the podcast, Turia Pitt.

Over ten years ago - At age 24, Turia Pitt's life was drastically changed. She was competing in a 100km ultra marathon in the Australian outback, she encountered an out of control grassfire. Turia was trapped by the flames, and suffered burns to 65% of her body.

She survived against the overwhelming odds, undergoing over 200 medical procedures and has gone on to rebuild an extraordinary life. She has written three best-selling books, given birth to 2 babies, has coached thousands of people to lead happier lives through the Run with Turia program, which Lyndi has personally done.

Lyndi asks Turia about how she ensures greatness is squeezed into everyday, how she uses movement on bad body image days and the simple tricks to ensuring you remain consistent with exercise.

Spoiler: It's not about enlisting the help of an even scarier person to yell at you at the gym to do one more rep....

Oh and if you’ve EVER thought about learning how to run... if you like the idea of being a runner but worry that you don’t have time or don’t look like a runner or can’t even jog for 50m without getting puffed out... then you’ve gotta check out Turia Pitt's Run with Turia program. 

You’ll have the best running coach in Turia Pitt, who I reckon is the real, deal. Her advice is doable, realistic (and totally free from wellness wankery) even if you’re a busy mum or human. 

Did you see I was recently on Turia's insanely wonderful podcast? If not, check out the episode here to hear me explain why you shouldn't set a weight loss goal this year...  

If you aren't already, would highly recommend following Turia on Instagram

Want to feel more in control around food? Check out my Stop Struggling With Food Guide, currently on sale for 40% off.
You’ll also find 50 of my favourite recipes to get you inspired!

Get my Free 5 Day Course to help you stop binge and emotional eating. 

Looking for more support to feel in control around food? I'd love to support you in my Binge Free Academy

Come follow me on the gram at @nude_nutritionist (no nude pics, sorry).

Want to share some feedback or have an idea for an episode, I'd LOVE to hear from you - hit me up at

00:00:00:05 - 00:00:24:09


Okay. I would like to tell you, your your weight is not the problem. It really isn't. I know you've been made to think your weight is a problem your entire life, but honestly, it's just been a red herring making you focus on diets that really suck and your weight is not. The problem is the title of my new book and I would really like you to read it if you've ever been made to feel like you need to worry about your weight that you're fixating on your weight is going to help you lose weight, which is nonsense.

00:00:24:16 - 00:00:47:16


This is the book you need to read. We tackle body image. We help you with practical strategies to feel normal, relaxed, and freedom around food, which are all fabulous things you also deserve. Please go to my website, Lyndi Cohen dot com and check out my new book. It's available from all great retailers. Please check it out. Oh, hey everyone and welcome to today's episode of No Wellness Wankery Podcast.

00:00:48:05 - 00:01:13:21


I have decided to mix up the format a little bit. And so today I'm very, very outrageously please introduce my first guest to the podcast three up hit. Now I hadn't a little bit tricky trying to summarize two areas fire and it's like a tiny little spiel because this lady, she's just accomplished a whole heck of stuff. Turia is many things and boring is just not one of them.

00:01:14:13 - 00:01:40:08


I don't know if you've heard her story, but over ten years ago she was just 24 years old when her life was totally changed. She was competing in a hundred kilometer ultramarathon in the Aussie outback, which is crazy as it is. And that's when she encountered an out of control grassfire. Turia was trapped by the fires and suffered burns to 65% of her body and somehow she survived against the odds.

00:01:40:21 - 00:02:04:20


When the doctors even thought she wasn't going to make it. She underwent over 200 medical procedures and has gone on to rebuild an extraordinary life. She's written three bestselling books. She's given birth to two babies, very gorgeous babies. She's coached thousands of people in her programs. I think it's 40,000 people. And she really helps people lead happier, more confident lives.

00:02:05:13 - 00:02:29:13


I would if you haven't heard about it, I would really recommend her program run with Turia. It is a classic, a guide, a step by step guide to help you learn how to run to get more active, to find enjoyment from running. She shows you how to do it so it doesn't feel too overwhelming or too scary. Her story has resonated with millions of people around the globe, and if you're not already a fan, I think you're going to be after this chat.

00:02:29:23 - 00:02:45:04


So please join me in welcoming Turia to the podcast. Hey, you've been on my mind a lot recently for many reasons. One of which is I'm stoked because you've given me the most beautiful endorsement quote from my book Your Weight Is Not the Problem.

00:02:45:06 - 00:03:14:19


Which I just want to put it out there. I don't just give out endorsement quotes willy nilly when I write. I read the book. I loved it. What I wrote, I reflects it because I think it's a really important read for a lot of women, especially, who have been fed this bullshit of diet, culture and all of these messages that we get around food and eating and all of that, I think it just cuts through.

00:03:15:01 - 00:03:33:16


I mean, that's like the biggest compliment coming from you. Thank you. As I said, you've been in my mind a lot recently. I went to bed thinking about you last night and I woke up this morning thinking about you because for some silly reason, my son woke up at 430 in the morning. I had to go in and get him all like changed and I couldn't fall back to sleep.

00:03:33:16 - 00:03:54:00


So like by 530 I'm like, alright, what would make today? Great. Oh, serious in my mind. So I popped on my joggers and I'm pregnant so I could, I couldn't go for a run, but I went for a really nice long walk and like I said, so well for the day. And so I think this idea is something I've read.

00:03:54:00 - 00:04:00:24


Some of the stuff that you do is you ask that question, what will make today great? Can you talk about that in more detail to help us.

00:04:01:07 - 00:04:29:16


In the lives? Yeah. So it's just a it's a really simple, obviously simple question that for me, it helps me to enjoy my day, which sounds maybe a bit stupid, but I think so often, particularly if women and for moms like our days are just busy. So we're just doing shit for other people. We're meeting our families needs and demands and meeting our obligation to requirements at work.

00:04:30:00 - 00:04:45:20


We're doing all of that for everyone else, and then we don't really think about ourselves or what we want to do or what we need. Now we get to the air and we're just exhausted to do dinner. And what's work better than that? It's time to sleep. And then we get up the next day, a day just. It just repeats.

00:04:46:17 - 00:04:57:06


Who we love. We lie and we. We stay awake for hours because that's the only time we have the wild children on, like, bugging us, which is really hard for us to wake up early in the morning. It's like a revenge. Procrastination.

00:04:57:07 - 00:05:33:03


Yeah, yeah, it is. It is. So what I like to do is I just ask ourselves, like, well, what's one thing that's going to make today? Like, good or great, you know? And that whatever that thing is, whether it's going for a run, going to the gym, meeting a girlfriend for a coffee I priority it it's something that has to be done and then I fit in the rest of my day around that because I think what we do as well is we say to ourselves, well, when tennis court laundry is done, has this plane just put away?

00:05:34:08 - 00:05:51:01


Everything has been done for our family, for everyone else. Then I'll be able to do something right. That's always like that analogy of putting your oxygen mask on first, which I kind of hate because everyone goes, Oh, I've heard that analogy before. I get it. I get it. You've heard that analogy before, but it's there for a reason, right?

00:05:51:12 - 00:06:17:21


So I think it's really true because if you're not taking care of yourself, if you're making a tiny bit of space in your day for yourself and for your needs and for what you want to do, then I find for me, I'm happier and more present and more energetic and more productive. I don't resent my family, you know, because I find if I'm just doing stuff for them all the time, I just end up getting annoyed at them and not their fault.

00:06:17:21 - 00:06:24:18


I haven't done anything wrong, but you know, I don't want to be I don't want to be that way with my family, with my with my spunky partner and my beautiful boys.

00:06:25:03 - 00:06:46:09


That's it. And can you explain to me your relationship with exercise and with running? Because, you know, anyone who listens to the podcast knows that I kind of grew up thinking that exercise was punishment for eating. And I feel like, see you. You've had you've had this relationship with with moving your body where it is something that you do to make your life better because you like how it makes you feel.

00:06:46:11 - 00:06:47:06



00:06:47:13 - 00:07:11:17


So I used to go for runs with my dad. I realized that I just loved running and I just. I loved the freedom I got from it. I loved how I could just if I was in a bad mood or if I felt annoyed or frustrated or stressed or overwhelmed or just sad, I knew that I could go for a run.

00:07:11:17 - 00:07:24:09


I could rest my body, and I would come back. It's like my problems didn't go away because everyone, you know, we've all got problems. I found it easier to deal with them. Does that make sense?

00:07:24:09 - 00:07:25:14


It's a coping strategy.

00:07:25:14 - 00:07:26:13


And yeah.

00:07:26:23 - 00:07:41:23


I grew up using eating as a coping, starting to lie visually in front of the TV. It's not something that was really healthy where it's like somehow you got role models. That movement is a way of managing tricky situations and making yourself feel better.

00:07:42:10 - 00:08:08:07


Yeah, but it's also good for your emotional regulation, and I think that's what I'm trying to shine my voice. Like. If you feel like shit and I'm the one that's really normal, you're human being, you can just accept it and acknowledge and say, Yep, I feel like shit. I don't stay there in that shitty place for too long, mainly because I don't find it very helpful.

00:08:08:10 - 00:08:26:12


And if I feel like it, I know that I can. I could take a day off work. I could eat some nice food, I could watch Netflix, I could do all those things. And I have done all of those things in the past, particularly after an operation where I can't be physical. Right. So that's that's an option taken off the table.

00:08:26:21 - 00:08:38:00


And when you can't move, I bet it makes you even more grateful for the fact that like when you can move, you can because it feels like something that you get to do, not something that you have to do. It's a choice.

00:08:38:10 - 00:09:08:00


Yeah, it's so. And I, you know, because I've got this running program and people, I get questions from people saying, Oh, I don't really like running is this program for me. And I'm like, Honestly, probably not. Like as if you don't like the idea of running if it's not something you're interested in or curious about, I wonder if you're capable and just want to say that you are capable wherever you are, even if you haven't run ever before, even if you think you're too big or to whatever you are capable.

00:09:08:13 - 00:09:28:23


I know that. But if you don't have the desire and you're not interested, then don't don't make it a joyless slog and force yourself to do the thing that you think you should do, because that's what you see other people doing. Like if you don't like it and it's not for you, there's a zillion different other types of movement patterns out there.

00:09:29:14 - 00:09:40:01


And I think that's spot on. You've got to actually want to want to do it and then you've got to take a part is the reason I'm not doing running for something else like you mentioned, like do I feel like I don't look like what a runner looks like?

00:09:40:01 - 00:09:52:04


Yeah. And runners runners don't look like anything because runners come in all different shapes and sizes and abilities and space.

00:09:52:16 - 00:09:56:07


And if you get chafing between your legs after going for a run, that's all that.

00:09:56:13 - 00:10:07:16


Happened. That's not that's that's what happens to runners. Oh, you might not know, but this is a really cool thing. You can buy a clock bodyguard, which is like a Vaseline, you know, that can help stop that chafing.

00:10:07:16 - 00:10:34:09


We love that. We love that and a freaking good sports bra to like get the ladies like give them the attention that they need. But I guess what we're saying is like even get there are barriers that are stopping you from running that have got nothing to do with your enjoyment or like your interest in it. Those kinds of things we can sidestep, we can find ways around them so that you can build up that healthy relationship with with movement where running can become something that you, you do to help deal with shitty and hard situations.

00:10:34:11 - 00:10:34:22



00:10:35:09 - 00:10:54:16


But I also, you know, if running's not your jam, you sound like awesome because you found something that you don't want to do. You saved yourself time and energy and effort. Don't make yourself do it. Try something else. If you don't know what it is that you like, have a crack. Just have a go. Do aqua aerobics if you like that.

00:10:55:04 - 00:11:19:17


You know, this is there's so many different ways to move our body. You don't have to look a certain way. You don't have to be in the collective wear with the matching threads and the cool headphones and have a six pack before you're allowed to participate in sports or moving your body like how you are right now. Whatever you think about your body, you are capable.

00:11:19:17 - 00:11:30:08


You know, you can move your body. And if the sport of your choice or the exercise or the movement of your choice is bringing you joy, then keep doing it.

00:11:30:17 - 00:11:49:02


I definitely have those moments. I've spoken to people and they're like, I don't want to go and exercise because I'm worried that people are going to judge me when I'm exercising for what I look like. I've definitely had those moments where I've kind of I've like stayed back from exercising because I didn't want people to judge me. Do you ever have that feeling where you don't want to be judged by people?

00:11:49:02 - 00:12:00:02


Yeah. So particularly when I was recovering from my from my injuries, I had lost my black compression mask over this like black compression suit. And I was I was really.

00:12:00:02 - 00:12:00:13



00:12:00:18 - 00:12:20:09


So, so on trend. And I was in the gym and like this, all of us on the treadmill walking and this old man next to me was going faster than me. This is I'm not, you know, no offense to old men, but it made me feel really pathetic. And she was like, yeah, I got injured. I was running an ultramarathon like I was a fit person.

00:12:21:03 - 00:12:30:14


And then all of a sudden I wasn't. And I had to, I guess, relearn the movement patterns of walking and brushing my teeth and tying up my hair, but also running.

00:12:30:16 - 00:12:35:10


How did you get around that? That's the feeling that other people were looking at you and judging you.

00:12:35:10 - 00:13:03:12


Yeah, so that's a good question. So one of the things that I did, and this is just what made me feel more comfortable and what made me feel more confident because how you are right now is perfect. You don't need to change who you are. But for me, what made me feel more confident, which is which is what I needed at that time, is I found that if I was wearing if I wasn't wearing my partner's track pants and a baggy shirt and I wore that, that I didn't feel very confident.

00:13:03:12 - 00:13:24:14


Whereas if I wore like a pair of colorful tights with a nice with a nice shirt that made me feel a little bit more confident. I realized that if I enlisted other people around me, so if I took a friend along with me, that made me feel more confident. It wasn't this process where I was like, Yes, I've arrived.

00:13:25:02 - 00:13:46:12


I'm a super human and I am confident and I have this supreme being that never happened. And I think you talked you talked a lot about this, Linda, this all or nothing mindset. We make strides towards our goals just by showing up, which isn't particularly exciting. All right. Either, because people are like, what? Just show off. Like, how low is that bar that you're setting for yourself?

00:13:46:21 - 00:14:11:16


But I think that's really good because if you just give yourself permission to show up and you take the judgment away from how you perform or how not good at the exercise or whatever it is, it is focused on just going and showing up and just keep doing that for a couple of months. You will improve and you will get better at it because you're shut up.

00:14:12:06 - 00:14:30:09


It's like changing our goals right? Like, I think we often we we kind of go into a new pursuit and we have like a weight loss goal or like a certain speed goal. And I think some degree of goal setting is really important. But I think there's a point where it can become obsessive and just like very out of reach.

00:14:30:09 - 00:14:33:13


And that simply turning up is a political.

00:14:33:14 - 00:14:55:11


Because you've given yourself that permission to not be perfect, to not always do things really right. And if you're doing that and you're giving yourself that for mission and you're giving yourself permission to just show up, then you're going to be further, I think that you'll improve at a faster rate, because otherwise the other option is we say, I'm going to do exercise sessions this week.

00:14:55:22 - 00:15:16:17


I'm only going to drink activated oxygen, water. And the only food that will pass my lips is lemon. I will keep that up for like, I don't know, 72 hours. And then we say, okay, this new regime, I'll start it starts again tomorrow. And it's almost like we flagellate ourselves.

00:15:17:09 - 00:15:39:13


This is such an important mindset shift. It's like it's like the diet is brain. That's like, Oh, I messed up last night. I ate way too much. I need to, like, be on and be clean. It's this idea that if I eat more than I planned, I failed or, you know, it's the same things like exercising. If I only have like a shit work out or I missed a workout that I failed, that I've fallen off the bandwagon, who cares?

00:15:39:13 - 00:16:02:13


You're just like as an elite, athletes will say, you know, out of all of that, all of the training that they do, they acknowledge and this is what I talk about, too, they acknowledge that some of their training sessions, they will be good. Some other the training sessions they will, but they will be average or mediocre. And some of the training sessions will be serious.

00:16:02:13 - 00:16:25:04


You won't be able to do it. You'll be tired. You had to raise money for rent. So whatever it is, as you say you set out to do, but those training sessions that that's part of moving forward. And I think you've got to just like you accept the good emotions and the bad emotions, you've got to be able to accept the good training sessions or the good exercise sessions, whatever you want to call it.

00:16:25:14 - 00:16:28:08


You've also got to accept that in that it's going to be a bit of shit.

00:16:28:21 - 00:16:31:14


What do you do on days when you don't feel like exercising?

00:16:31:14 - 00:16:52:07


So that's a good question. So I think a little bit like what you talked about, Linda, with your intuitive eating. And so with exercise, if someone doesn't feel like going, there's a couple of different options. Number one, sometimes you don't feel like going because you're actually just exhausted. And actually what you need, you don't need to be going to the gym and killing yourself.

00:16:52:14 - 00:17:25:20


You actually need just a chill, put your feet up, like even going hammer and tong. And it's actually you're not actually doing yourself any favors by making yourself go to the gym. You're actually better off just staying at home, relaxing, watching Netflix and maybe even like cooking yourself a really nutritious meal like spaghetti bolognaise or chicken soup or I'm sure Linda's got some amazing recipes out there, like cooking one of those, adding one of those, drink some water and getting a good night's sleep that night.

00:17:25:20 - 00:17:46:08


But that's probably what your body needs. The other side of the client is people say, Well, how do I know if I if I'm sick or if I'm tired or if maybe I'm just a bit low on motivation? And that's a different question because I say, well, if you feel like you might just be a bit lower on motivation, this is what I do to myself.

00:17:46:08 - 00:18:09:01


I say, Well, I just, I just show up. I say to myself, I'll just go give it 5 minutes. And after 5 minutes I still feel really shit. I give myself permission to come back, to come back, to come back home, to nurture myself and to nourish myself. Usually what happens, though, is we all know that removing our body releases is endorphins.

00:18:09:01 - 00:18:28:14


And after 5 minutes of moving, whether that's going for a run, whether that's during roller derby, whatever it is, you feel a bit better and you feel a bit more energized and you think to yourself, Actually, I feel actually pretty good and I'm glad I've come and I'm here now. I've met all of this effort to get here.

00:18:28:14 - 00:18:30:05


I'm just going to keep going and finish.

00:18:30:11 - 00:18:40:23


And giving yourself permission as well, I guess, to not go and do the hard thing. So you might be like, Listen, I can't tell if I really want to go for a run today, but I might want to go to a United class.

00:18:41:04 - 00:18:42:12


Do the yoga class.

00:18:42:12 - 00:18:55:13


What's the point in going to you in what I call like, what's it really going to do? It's going to do a whole heap. It's going to make you feel really good in your body. And I think we underestimate the value of doing like things that are easier and gentler is like, that's not worthwhile.

00:18:55:13 - 00:19:12:07


It is worthwhile because it's because you're you're moving your body. You're getting into a different headspace. You might be unwinding and relaxing. Like how many women can say that they have periods in their day where they feel like they are unwinding?

00:19:12:07 - 00:19:13:02


Not many is.

00:19:13:02 - 00:19:42:11


Because I am not ready. I don't have many. You know, a lot of mums, we don't give up the reason to do things just because we enjoy them, because we're so time poor and we're so busy, we feel like, well, if I'm not lifting weights at the gym, if I'm not running really hard, then what's the point? There's so many messages in our world that make us feel she make us feel like we're not doing good jobs, that we don't have enough willpower, that we're not doing a great job as a mum.

00:19:43:05 - 00:19:54:19


But I think if you find an activity which brings you joy and for me that's running, that's, that's what brings me joy. If you find an activity that brings you joy, like that's awesome and do more of it.

00:19:55:12 - 00:20:13:23


Lowering that crushing pressure to be perfect, which is unattainable and undo, are not doable so that we can actually have a little bit more consistency and a whole lot more enjoyment. Can I ask you what are like some of the biggest mistakes people make when they start out running or they're thinking about getting into running? Yeah.

00:20:14:06 - 00:20:41:05


So I say definitely that all or nothing mindset Linda that I know you talk about that like I'm going to run tomorrow, I'm going to run five, promise I'm not going to stop, I'm just going to keep running and I'm going to run hard and fast. And then if they're not in running condition, if they haven't been running regularly, they're probably going to find that they will have to stop because they're running out too hard and too fast.

00:20:41:23 - 00:21:08:23


So they might stop after a couple of hundred meters. Their voice inside goes, You're a failure. You can't even do this like your shit. Like why you even try? You shouldn't be like, why? Why did you even bother? And so what I want is for people to move away from that voice, because that voice is really mean and really scary and move towards a place of I'm just going to I'm going to go for a run because I want to.

00:21:08:23 - 00:21:28:08


And whatever the run looks like, whether I run for a couple of hundred meters or whether I run further, I'm going to try and enjoy the run and I'm going to look at the sunlight filtering through the trees. I'm going to hear the birds singing. I'm going to think about how magical it is that I'm out here in this early morning feeling the feeling the wind on my face and smelling the salty present.

00:21:28:08 - 00:21:58:16


I think about how awesome it is that I get to do this and I get to be here. And and so almost removing that judgment for what the run should look like. But the main thing that I would want to teach people about running is that running it's not a sprint. You're not taking a fast it's a slow, slow jog, because our first run in my program, we teach women to run for 10 minutes and most of them freak out like, I know I can't run for 10 minutes so long.

00:21:58:16 - 00:22:01:17


And what they've been doing is they've been running too hard and too fast.

00:22:02:02 - 00:22:18:18


So in your run with two year program, which by the way, I've done, and if you've ever thought about doing running, if you have like, listen, maybe this is something I'm interested in, but you're like, I don't know how. I don't know what it looks like and how to get started. That's why it's so good. And if you're like, Hey, I'm on the fence, I'm not ready to make a commitment.

00:22:18:19 - 00:22:37:03


Yes, go onto his website and you can just like a whole bunch of free stuff will like helping you get started and then all these tips you can kind of already get started even before you do the program. So I just I just love your emails, the way you talk, the way you speak. I'm making this. I'm like, I'm out there putting my joggers on.

00:22:37:03 - 00:22:56:10


I'm ready to go. And I feel like what you say is so important, we need to lower the crushing pressure to actually start running. And that what that looks like is, is the the slow jog. I call it a jog. You know, it's like a soft day. It's like a European jog. I don't know what it is, but it's like, is she moving?

00:22:56:10 - 00:23:16:20


Is she getting anywhere? She is. She's going somewhere and she's going really slowly. And I think just becoming aware of all these barriers and things that are keeping you from moving or finding whatever enjoyable exercise that is is really, really important to me. I want to ask you about body image. Yeah. Do you ever have body image days.

00:23:16:20 - 00:23:19:16


Yes. Of cold to you. Do you do.

00:23:19:20 - 00:23:20:13


We all do that.

00:23:21:03 - 00:23:43:22


Sometimes. I have great body image. I feel better about the body that I mean, I feel better about the vehicle that I've got for life is when I've moved my body. So, yes, I've done some exercise or if I've been eating like wholesome, hearty meals, like I've been feeling my body, right, and I've been looking after myself that way.

00:23:44:08 - 00:24:11:00


That's on my body, which is probably higher when my body image is shit. If I'm not sleeping well, if I've had a bad night sleep, if I've been really busy at work and I haven't had that, made the time to age something proper. And I've just like crammed five muesli bars into my mouth. If I haven't been moving my body that I'll probably feel pretty shit about myself.

00:24:11:17 - 00:24:40:23


Body image is a lot to do with how confident we're feeling. Like after that, after. After the fire, after I was burnt, I didn't have any confidence. Right. And while Microsoft shirts and track pants, I didn't have a shower every day. I didn't brush my hair. So didn't take any pride in my appearance at all. And what I've found is that if I am doing those basic things, like stuff so stupid, like showing myself a bit of self-love, right?

00:24:40:23 - 00:24:54:15


Like having a shower, brushing my hair, putting on a dress that makes me feel good. If I'm doing those things and taking pride in my appearance, I think that helps me to have better body image as well.

00:24:54:17 - 00:25:09:24


Spot on. I couldn't agree more. I reckon for anyone who's dieted a lot has kind of been on the weight loss pursuit. You might be tricked into thinking what we're saying right now is that you you exercise because exercise is going to make you weigh less or that no.

00:25:10:08 - 00:25:11:01


Not calories.

00:25:11:07 - 00:25:29:22


But it's okay. It's it's kind of like a quick fix, like like before you go for a run or before you go exercise you like. And it's like while like something magical happens while you're moving your body and you finish and it's like your whole perspective on how your body is has been shifted by this process of exercising.

00:25:29:22 - 00:25:42:01


It's got nothing to do with the energy burnt or reps at the gym or whatever it is. It is like there is some chemical magic that happens in your brain that can take you from feeling shit in your body to feeling pretty great.

00:25:42:10 - 00:26:05:10


Well, that's what, you know, our bodies are designed to move right last. And I haven't always had a great relationship with food or. Or with my body image, you know, even before the fire as a 14 year old, I told you that I was writing down what I ate in the day because I was trying to make sure that I wasn't eating too much, like looking like that.

00:26:05:10 - 00:26:24:09


So stupid. I was a 14 year old girl who was running and surfing, going to the gym like I needed. My body needed that energy. But what I would do is I'd say, Well, now I'm not allowed to eat anything more. And then I'd get high and I'd be starving. So I'd just like ape so much I'd binge it, you know?

00:26:24:09 - 00:26:28:11


And so that's, that's what that's not particularly helpful.

00:26:28:11 - 00:26:46:05


And that's exactly what we want to be avoiding, be avoiding when, when feeling like we hate our body drives us to do these insanely intense things. And I think that's really important. And the other thing is, is you talk about this idea of like getting clothes that make you feel good. I think we can think it's like it's pretentious, it's frivolous.

00:26:46:05 - 00:26:52:07


It doesn't matter. It matters. And on this podcast, we talk about the idea of buying clothes that actually fit, buy.

00:26:52:07 - 00:27:13:03


Clothes that make you feel good. If something is digging into you, don't buy it because every time you wear it, you just kind of feel like shit. And PJ Fox, she wrote this really great book club, Tiny Habits. And then it has got this this major, right? And it's a change. Best Buy feeling good? Not by feeling bad.

00:27:13:14 - 00:27:27:03


And so something is making you feel bad or guilty or like shit, whatever it is, whether that's the the jeans that dig into your hips or, I don't know, whatever it is, like, don't do it to yourself.

00:27:27:16 - 00:27:39:21


Let's not let your wardrobe sabotage your relationship with your body. And if you're feeling shitty in your body, go move your body and like, see if in an hour do you feel better? Because you probably will.

00:27:39:24 - 00:27:42:05


Certainly will. You probably will. Yeah.

00:27:43:01 - 00:28:00:09


I've loved speaking with you. I know this podcast is coming out around a New Year's time as well. So you are still on your podcast. And when I ask you the same question on your on this podcast, what is something that you wish someone would either give up this year or something that you wish they would start doing this year?

00:28:00:10 - 00:28:30:01


I don't like goals which are about losing something, so I'll stop. Recently. Like I like I want to stop if I to do a New Year's resolution, I'd rather someone set a goal that's got nothing to do with weight loss. I'd rather than set a goal of, Hey, I want to learn how to run, so I'm going to learn how to run with Tara because she's got women of all different shapes and sizes from all national nationalities in her program.

00:28:30:10 - 00:28:53:21


Or I want to have a better relationship with my food and how I ate. So I'm going to do Lindsey's program because I know she's got all of this messaging in there about diet, culture and how bullshit it is and how I can rewire my brain or I want to go do this hike in July. What are the steps I'm going to need to be able to do that hike?

00:28:54:08 - 00:29:03:22


Because I think, like you say, if if if diets worked and the idea of losing weight what they need be where you where you where you think you need to be.

00:29:04:09 - 00:29:21:07


So it's like setting these goals that I like about so much more than what you look like, like. So for you it's like it's running a distance or it's swimming a distance or it's about turning up and and enjoying your body more. What if those were the goals instead of trying to lose weight?

00:29:21:21 - 00:29:51:06


Yeah, I like those goals. They sound way more exciting, like in my whole motivating and like, way more fun. Like, if you want to do a hike in the middle of the year, like, that sounds fun because I was like, you got a plan it you got to train for it, like all of those steps. Whereas if you're losing, if your goal is to lose weight, you know, other steps are going to be it's going to be a diet and then you're going to try it and you might lose the weight that are going to put it back on and they're going to feel good about yourself.

00:29:51:18 - 00:29:54:21


And then that that cycle will just continue. That's it.

00:29:55:05 - 00:30:10:22


I think I think sometimes we mistake, you know, you go in a weight loss pursuit and you're like, you get a compliment and you start to feel really good. We think that the reason we feel good is because we're losing weight and we're getting the compliments. But what if the real reason we're feeling good is because we're finally moving our body consistently?

00:30:10:22 - 00:30:32:12


We're doing all these things we're having or achieving a goal. You can still get that high that you get from pursuing a weight loss thing, but without pursuing the weight loss thing by pursuing a tangible goal, that's going to make you a more interesting person, more fulfilled person that's got nothing to do with the size of your pants, but it's going to leave you by the end of the year feeling like you accomplished that.

00:30:32:12 - 00:30:34:14


You are the person that you'd like to be.

00:30:34:23 - 00:30:39:24


Set a different goal that is completely unrelated to weight loss.

00:30:40:15 - 00:30:56:02


Heck yes. Terry, I freakin love talking to you. I could talk to you for so long. I want everyone to follow you and everything that you write. Because I pore over every single very you know, there are less emails that I don't read. I read each and every one of your emails.

00:30:56:11 - 00:30:57:09


I love that.

00:30:57:11 - 00:31:05:19


So good. So please check out Toria. If we want to follow you, find out more. What are all the ways that we can connect with you?

00:31:05:22 - 00:31:29:01


Go to Instagram. I'm just at too rapid and if they want to learn how to run with me, they go to Turia Pitt forward slash run. And I just want to reiterate that you don't need to be fit to start the program. You don't need to lose a certain amount of weight before you start the program. You don't need to have all of the cool gear and the trendy gear.

00:31:29:10 - 00:31:39:12


How you are now, even if that's been a really long time since you've run, even if you've never run before, perfect. We'd love to run with you.

00:31:39:22 - 00:32:14:12


I would highly recommend doing the program. I've done it. I've freakin loved it. I would recommend it to all of you. And you guys know that I have a really sharp bullshit meter for any wellness wine. Cory and dramaturg Theresa definitely ticks all the boxes that I wanted to take for you. Hey, everyone. And before we get started in the podcast episode, I just want to tell you a little bit about how I might be able to help you if you want to get a healthy relationship with food because oh my goodness, there's a whole lot of stuff that's working against us all the time.

00:32:14:12 - 00:32:31:15


Hello, diet culture. So if you ever want to do a little bit more personal, I support you. Check out my program. Keep it real. Especially if you're struggling with binge eating. If you feel like every Monday you're starting from scratch, if you feel like you know what you should be eating, but you just can't stick to it if you feel like you want to eat healthier.

00:32:31:15 - 00:32:54:03


But honestly, it just feels like you're out of control through your face planting into the fridge. All the pantry. I can help you. So you binge either? I really do. I do get it. So check out Keep It Real News the code podcast to get 20% off if you if you get it via the the website and also I also got my I called back to basics back to basics is an app to help you be healthy without dieting and will help you work on your body.

00:32:54:03 - 00:33:15:11


Image gives you a whole bunch of hundreds of recipes that are super quick and easy to make so you can just be healthy without having to get obsessed with that at all, without it taking over your life, because that's the way it should be. Plus, you get mindset support for me inside the app. You also get a whole bunch of workouts that you can do at home, or you can still just do your normal workouts.

00:33:15:21 - 00:33:28:11


But check out back to basics. You can get it for free for seven days. Check out Back to Basics on my website, use the Code Again podcast to get 20% off. And I'd love to see in there I'd love to see in there. I'd love to see in there.