No Wellness Wankery

11: ‘Bouncing back’ after baby, and other BS

Lyndi Cohen

The beautiful, the brutal and the downright ugly. 

Before Lyndi physically birthed a tiny boy she was blissfuly ignorant about the realities of motherhood. Of course as a dietitian by profession, she was aware of the nutritional requirements for breastfeeding but only now having experienced it herself does she truly understand the insatiable omnipresent hunger. 

The rude shock of childbirth and its groundswell of hormones and emotions, instantaneously gave way to the even ruder one of being charged with the round-the-clock task of keeping a human baby alive.

Lyndi opens up about grieving her old life and finding routine in her new one. About the normal struggles of resisting the temptation to diet, making time for yourself and most importantly the impact it can have on your self esteem and mental health.... to own a bra that fits you.

P.s. Let’s stay connected on Instagram! No wellness wankery, I promise. Just bs-free and practical health advice, so that you can feel strong and confident in your already wonderful body.

Want to feel more in control around food? Check out my Stop Struggling With Food Guide, currently on sale for 40% off.
You’ll also find 50 of my favourite recipes to get you inspired!

Get my Free 5 Day Course to help you stop binge and emotional eating. 

Looking for more support to feel in control around food? I'd love to support you in my Binge Free Academy

Come follow me on the gram at @nude_nutritionist (no nude pics, sorry).

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 Oh, hey guys, and welcome to the No Wellness Wankery podcast. I am your co-host, Lyndi Cohen, dietitian, nutritionist, known as the Nude Nutritionist. Thanks for tuning in.

 And I'm joined by my co-host, Jenna D’Apice . Hello, I am Jenna. I'm not a dietitian. I'm not a nutritionist. And I'm not on Instagram at the new nutritionist. I actually kind of am sometimes. I hang out there a little bit. But I am here with Lindy trying to dispel some of the myths in the wellness world. And there's a lot. There are so many. Let's jump right in. And today's episode is very much for anyone who's falling pregnant, who's fallen pregnant, thinking about falling pregnant, who's had a baby, that postnatal, prenatal, or that body image BS that ends up happening and that feeling of ick in your body that happens after you've given birth and you feel like totally uncomfortable in your body. And I will quickly just take keep you up to date with where I'm at. So I've got a son he's now 16 months old and I firstly when I was pregnant I found all the comments around my body really quite challenging. Things like, oh my goodness you look amazing, you look tiny, you look massive, are you having twins?

 I got all the comments and what would surprise me was just how much people were commenting on what I look like. And one of the phrases while I was pregnant that my husband Les would remind me of is he goes, you look exactly how someone who's 32 weeks pregnant should look. You look exactly how you're meant to look because those comments can be really tough and I think sometimes we don't even know what a pregnant person really looks like. So one of my friends, she's a model, she's very beautiful and I was on the Iconic which is like a site for finding clothes and I saw her and she's not pregnant and there she was with a baby bump and so very often when maternity clothes are getting sold, when we see people who look pregnant, I know there's celebrities.

 Not pregnant. She was not pregnant. So they've been giving her a baby bump and she was modeling all the baby clothes. So she looked like a normal model everywhere else and she just had this like perfect pregnancy bump. And I think when you're pregnant, you get tricked into thinking this is what pregnancy looks like. Or you see celebrities on the red carpet who are pregnant. Like that's nonsense and even news broadcasters you know when they get to a certain level of pregnancy they they go on that leave and so you don't actually see someone at full full term and so people will say to me when I was like 35 weeks you're humongous surely you're about to pop any minute and I was like oh I still have like five or six weeks left so just remembering that what other people see as a pregnant person they don't have an honest picture of what pregnant people look like.

 And however you look right now, if you are pregnant, that's exactly how you are meant to look. I think sometimes, I was thinking about this before, Kim Kardashian does a lot of things that I don't agree with, and we all know that. But I do feel like we kind of criticize her for the way she is, but the world's kind of created this in her. The way that she was like attacked for being pregnant the first time, the memes, she went to an event and I remember... You mean the mockery of her body? The mockery of her body. Her next to literally, she wore a black and white outfit when she was pregnant and they put photos of her next to a whale and all of this stuff was all over. This happens because I was sick the other day and I was watching those Kardashian reruns and it came up and then after she gave birth to the first baby she literally went in hiding from the world until her body was back.

 Oh, this kills me. So this is a beautiful way to segue into this. It's like after you've given birth and there is so much compassion for someone when they're pregnant to kind of not look perfect. But as soon as you've given birth, the expectation, and it's not like anyone's saying, you have to lose weight after you give baby but there is pressure to look good after you've given birth. It's like very much rewarded to look good. Yeah I don't think anyone's saying you have to lose weight but it's commented as a positive when you do. I was talking to someone the other day and someone in their family just had a baby and I was saying, oh how are they going? And their first response was, oh she's looking great and it's only been four weeks. And I was more like, I don't know, mentally how is she adapting to being a mom and that was the comment. That was the first comment because it's enough to praise.

 Well thank goodness. Thank goodness she looks great. What a relief. What a relief we can all sleep well at night. I certainly found that I gained a bit of weight when I had my baby and then after I gave birth, you know, people would say things like, oh, it's just going to fall off you, the weight, because when you are breastfeeding, you do actually end up using quite a bit more energy. But I also found that I felt like I needed to eat more.

 I was hungry all the time. When you're breastfeeding, you get so hungry and thirsty. Your mouth is like a Sahara desert. What is that about? And so I definitely didn't just magically lose weight. weight and that my stomach stayed there for quite a while and I felt like I was quite self-conscious about it. But one of the key things that was really important to me for me during pregnancy and after pregnancy was to have clothes that actually fit me. And for the clothes that I didn't fit into, for them to be put into boxes and put above my cupboard, which we've talked about in another episode, I'm not going to rehash it too much, but having clothes that fit you, do not underestimate the impact of when you wake up and you actually have clothes and bras that fit your humongous boobs.

 It is really, really important for your mental health and your stability and how you feel about yourself. It's huge. I know I've probably put on a little bit of weight recently because I'm trying to be a bit more relaxed with dieting. And when I started to get a bit cold and my jeans weren't fitting me, my instant response was I need to lose weight. But then I actually was so proud of myself, I just went and bought new jeans. And now I haven't thought about the need to lose weight again. Oh, that's so cool.

 That's really cool. It really, a huge, huge impact. It's such a huge trigger, this idea of not being into your clothes. And earlier this week, I posted this video to Instagram where it's talking about how I was in Seed in a clothing shop and the size 6 clothing had to be pinned into place to fit onto the mannequin because even the mannequin was too small for the smallest size clothes, which is by the way US size 2. And so a lot of the comments were talking about how the fashion industry, the clothing sizes are very much about making people feel better in their bodies by being very generous in the sizes that they have or there's actually just no consistency anywhere.

 And someone said they worked at a plus-size clothing shop and even their mannequins had to get pinned into place with the clothing because even the plus size was such like an idealized version of what a plus-size body looks like that they didn't even fit into it. It's just mental. So I've heard this expression that behind every beautifully dressed cute child is a mom who's covered in peanut butter and has got a messy topknot. So I could very much relate to this. I think after I gave birth I had, I want to say an identity crisis. I can't think of a better way to explain it because suddenly before you have a child I was like fun and spontaneous and cool and sexy and you know the world viewed me that way and I viewed myself that way and after I had a child my entire life was Regimented and I'm constantly thinking about structures and timings and all the myriad of things that I need to do the amount of time that I have to think about myself has become whittled down to be so small and it almost feels like of my family I am the lowest priority of course they don't see it that way but I want to make sure that my child, my dog, my husband, they all have their needs met and only after their needs are met am I allowed to actually focus on myself and would you believe it that means I never end up focusing on myself. You run out of time. Yeah so for part of me postnatally was actually buying clothes for myself that I felt cool in, that were a little bit edgy and a bit more like reflecting my personality and trying not to just wear my maternity pajamas around all day.

 I will say that I did wear them for quite a while around the house, but eventually I did ease myself back into normal clothing, which was nice. It makes a huge difference. I remember even during lockdown, when I just wasn't leaving the house and I had nowhere to go and nothing to do, I actually was just like, I wanna go. And I went and actually spent a little bit more money than I usually would on nice track pants. Yeah.

 Tracky clothes. Nice comfy clothes. Nice jumpers. Nice track pants. And I immediately felt better. This is it. This is a really big thing. And I don't think you have to spend big money, but you can if you want to. Even just things you feel good in. Yeah, things you feel good in. That's the whole point. And can you do something? When you go clothing shopping, please do a sit-down test. Okay. So often when we're trying on clothes, we're standing in front of the mirror, we're like posing. Sit down. Sit down, whether you're trying on a bra, because when you're relaxed and sitting down, sitting pants and walking pants are different pants, my friends. They're different sizes. We can't buy clothes that we need to lose weight to feel comfortable in. You have to be comfortable while sitting down in these clothes. So that's a really big one.

 How did you find, like when you had a new baby, adjusting to the new life, then finding the time to go and stand and get prodded by some woman and get your bra fitted, which you don't have time to do it the best of time? Oh, I haven't done that yet. I was a COVID baby, you know, it was like, no, shops weren't open for months and months and months. And so this kind of leads me onto this other thing is at what point does a parent, I'm going to speak specifically about mothers because I think this is a female-identifying parent thing. The power play that can happen, the kind of power exchange between the person who ends up going to work and the person who ends up becoming the stay-at-home parent. I was speaking to one of my friends and she was saying, like, I really want to go and exercise but then if my husband works late, he gets home so late that, like, what am I meant to go out and go for a walk at 8 p.m. at night.

 And so often I think we end up in these power exchanges where you have to wake up at 5 a.m. so you can go for a run before your partner leaves for work. And I think there's got to be more creative ways for us to kind of try and get around this and as mothers, we're not the only ones whose lives need to change after having a baby. Sometimes it can be really frustrating when it's like your life has seismically shifted and changed but you look at your partner and they're like sleeping soundly while the baby's screaming their head off. How are you doing that? Or you know their life hasn't altered at all and you just don't even remember who you are and I think sometimes we can ask a bit more of our partners to try and meet us halfway. Can they miss going out for after-work drinks so that we can actually have our exercise or my friends at gyms are getting a Peloton which is a nice lux option to go for which is totally valid.

 I've seen a lot of gyms that I've been looking at have like a mum's class and I'm like, is that really working? Everyone's bringing their babies. I don't know if it's the best workout you're ever going to get in your life. No. But also I think they're fun and I think they're worth giving a shot to. I know that physios offer as well to help you rebuild your pelvic health. They offer physios and they often have cratias where they have their Pilates classes that you can go to and take your baby. And then when you get to a certain point where the baby doesn't want to sit in the pram anymore, you can't just push them and go for walks, which was basically what I absolutely relied on taking my baby for a walk, but now he won't sit in the pram.

 So it's almost like I need to find additional time to do that exercise. But I just want you to know as well, if you're a mom, that going to the grocery shops by yourself is not self-care and time off, and going for a walk with your child in the pram is not self-care and time off as much as the world wants to tell us these things that you actually do need to ask for and negotiate time for yourself so that you can go and do leisure time. I realized this week I had a bit of a meltdown. I was a puddle. It happens. It happened. It happened to me and I realized like I'd just be burning myself out. I had three modes. I was either cleaning my house frantically like rage cleaning, aggressively vacuuming around my family. I was working or I was caring for my son but at no point did I ever have any time where I could just be me. So I took a whole day off, a whole day after I got my flu vaccine. After I got my flu vaccine I took the whole day off and I just did nothing and I didn't have to look after anyone.

 And I honestly, it has been months since I've done that and that made me quite sad that it had been months. One of my girlfriends, she's a mum, she takes half a day off a week which I think is doable but even if you're just doing one day off a month and you're currently signing at nothing, that is something. It's kind of like if you're getting to the point where you're constantly every six months feeling burnt out and then having to have a breakdown and need to sit for three days to recoup, you need to make smaller changes throughout the whole thing to stop getting to that. I'm the same. You get to that point of like, oh my gosh, what's happening? It's like what am I doing every day?

 That's making me feel this way. Yeah, and you end up getting so resentful and angry I noticed that I was just becoming like a really bitter partner Like I really be really short-tempered with my partner and just be like I don't like who I'm being right now And it's not that it was well, you know It was was me just self-sacrificing myself because I think as women we are so programmed that as a mother You are going to be selfless. I don't know if you've seen those Mother's Day cards and oh mom thank you for being so selfless. What we're basically saying when we say those things is thank you for sacrificing your needs and your wants and your desires and your health and your well-being so that I could have you know go to an extracurricular activity or whatever it is and I think we have to change this idea that to be a good mother you need to be selfless and you need to be sacrificial of yourself. I don't know if I have solutions for it, but this is very much on my vendetta right now towards better well-being to carving out more time for yourself to make sure you're getting the exercise. This morning, I did go to Pilates this morning, which is lovely, and I dropped my son off to daycare just before I went to Pilates, and I packed like a billion things for him. I mean, how do children have so many items?

 Anyway, everything was like perfectly planned. So I got to Pilates, and I realized I didn't have a water bottle for myself, which is a very basic thing. So often in this postnatal phase, we're so busy taking care of everyone else that we don't take care of ourselves. And an idea I really like is the idea of making lunch for yourself. You know how like when you're prepping, like let's say you get your kids lunch boxes or you're making them food or you're meal prepping them something so they can have some nice dinner. Make yourself food at the exact same time. If you're packing their bag to go out, pack something for yourself. The number of times I've packed my son a jumper because I noticed it was cold outside and then I didn't pack myself a jumper, it's out of control how often that happens.

 So it is that whole like fit your mask on first thing. I'm not even asking you to do it first, do it second, do it last. Just do it. But do it. Yeah, get it done. I really do highly rate the adult lunchbox, okay? If that's what it's going to take, and you love the idea of, you know, your kids have got like their veggie sticks and their dip and their cheese and their yogurt. I just love a lunchbox, but whenever I would take a lunchbox to like an office situation, adults with lunchboxes get shame.

 There's a bit of shame, isn't there? There is a bit of shame. So let's screw the shame. Let's screw the shame. Bring your lunchbox. Let's make it cool. So something I think kind of built into this whole identity crisis that I had is this term that I've come across called postnatal grief. I was kind of Googling postnatal depression and I was like, I feel so fatigued. I'm tired all the time.

 I am a bit bitter and I am so snappy with the people around me. What is this about and it didn't it wasn't postnatal depression It wasn't postnatal anxiety, but if you are wondering if that's you please go have a look I know panda has got some good resources as well Just to check it if that's something that you're currently struggling with but for me what I was struggling with is postnatal grief and that is this idea of the loss of the person that you used to be and I think it's very deeply tied into body image as well. Because I was speaking to Bec Day, she's a podcaster and a copywriter and she's just like a brilliant, smart person. Anyway, she was talking to me about, like, society has two modes for women. You're either like young and effable, whatever, I said it, and like sexy and cool and single, or you're a mother.

 Like, there are two modes and once you transform into that second mode you are forever more in that mode and I think it's this idea of feeling like feeling bad in our bodies, feeling uncomfortable in our bodies, feeling unattractive, unsexy and I'm not saying that's the point we need to get to again. I mean very few people feel like having sex after the padded baby anyway, just a side note if you're in that camp as well. But I think we have to get on top of this body image stuff because it's having a huge impact on our sense of self and our happiness. So how have you found that you have worked on that since having Leo? Well, I think making time for my exercise is really critical.

 I sometimes felt like I was too busy, but that for me is a non-negotiable. And for me, that means exercise every day. So I have to go for a mental health walk every single day to keep myself afloat and generally like an hour. I need an hour. I need like lots of steps before I start to notice that my mood is a whole lot better. Making myself a – eating enough during the day. So I was like so busy looking after everyone else during the day that I wasn't eating a lunch which means I get home in the afternoon and just ravenous and I'm like couldn't stop eating. So this is why we talk about eating your lunch first.

 And then with the body image stuff is very much about me having compassion for my body being imperfect and like me constantly reminding myself You don't need to look perfect right now. You have a you have a lot going on with that You never have to look perfect, but you don't have to look perfect right now. Help me you gave birth I'm still not back to the point where I'm back in my pre baby weight I don't know if I will be who knows but very slowly I have noticed that it has been getting easier for me to fit into old clothes, and this is 16 months on. So I just want to really push back on that idea that you have to bounce back, that it's going to happen quickly. No, realistically, you are just slowly going to reclaim parts of your old self again.

 You're going to morph into this new version of yourself, this idea of matrinescence, this adolescence, but for when you give birth, it's a whole rebirthing, a new phase of your life where you'll have society sees you changes, how you relate in the world, your hormones, a whole bunch of things change. So you try to reidentify yourself, which is huge work. And so be kind with the fact that your body is going to take time to slowly morph back into or find a new groove for what it looks like now. The whole idea of like coming back to your post-baby weight. Do you think that that is something that all people will eventually do? Do they need to do?

 Does having a baby change your body to the point where maybe that's not a weight for you anymore? It definitely does change your body in quite dramatic ways. For example, my mom had twins and she never got to wear the same bra size again because not only did her boobs completely shift and go humongous and then deflate, but her ribs expanded and so her actual rib cage was now greater. So she couldn't fit into the same size clothes. She went up a size and that was purely just physiological bone structure. My feet grew. I don't know if anyone else's grew.

 I was going to say, did your feet, do you actually have to get new shoes? Yeah, like I went up a whole size. And so some people have these like amazing shoe collections and they never fit into them again. And the boob thing is big as well, like the whole boob structure you go through. So if you think about puberty is kind of like one part of development, the next part of development of your body is when you could give birth. The hormones absolutely change just how your nipples look, how your boobs look, everything changes. The mum pooch, mum pouch, have you ever heard about that idea?

 That little pouch of something, juiciness that sits in your stomach. I still have that. I don't think I'll ever get rid of that and you know I was reflecting on, I think I had that before I had a baby. I think naturally as women, we need to have a certain amount of body fat percentage on us so that we actually have a period so that we actually are healthy, so that we're well and a bit of cushioning is really good and I think very few women naturally have a perfectly flat stomach. It is very uncommon. It's such an area that women fixate on. Yeah and I've seen a lot of ads like, get rid of your mum pooch, pouch, whatever. I love that you go with pooch. I know, it doesn't work. Pouch, your mum pouch. Pouch doesn't make sense to me.

 But get rid of your mum pouch. I'm like, no. Did you not have a mum pouch before you had a child? Yeah, you probably did. Maybe now it's like a little bit more pronounced and a bit squishier than it was before. But something that gets to me is I'm sitting in the bath with Leo and he doesn't care about how my body looks. He likes to play with my squidgy stomach and he likes to stick his finger in my belly button and he has so much fun playing around with the softness of my stomach and he doesn't see it as anything but lovely.

 We haven't conditioned him to think that that's a bad thing yet and I like to tell him that he grew on my stomach. A lovely idea that there's nothing intrinsically wrong with our bodies. No, it's like exactly like when you see babies with their gorgeous little rolls on their legs and everyone's like, look at their beautiful little rolls. This is the cutest little baby. We love them. But and then it's like when they reach like six, then we're like, oh they're a bit pudgy. Yes, like at what point do we stop saying that is beautiful and amazing and brilliant?

 Yeah, it flicks. Yeah, it does flick and I really wish it didn't. I mean they say that girls, young girls become aware that thin is the ideal from the age of six. Yeah, I just picked that. Yeah, that feels like that's about the time. Yeah, that's about the time. That's about the time when that preoccupation happens. So it's also, that's another idea is as a parent now, you're going to want to raise your children to like themselves, to be healthy and to like themselves.

 And the best thing we can be role modeling for them is finding movement that we really enjoy. Yes, doing those healthy habits, not making comments about our weight in front of them or negatively grabbing at our body or going through these phases of obsessiveness. For me, the process of getting closer to what I weighed before was very much has been a very slow process of me prioritizing my mental health, of making sleep an absolute priority for me. I'm always a night owl, but now I go to sleep at 9 p.m. and it's delicious and I'm all about it. And like Leo woke up three times last night, but I got to sleep so early that you had a buffer.

 I had a buffer. I needed the buffer. And that made a huge difference. So sometimes I think, well, you think, oh, I have to go on a diet, I have to cut out food. Did you feel the pressure of wanting to go on a diet in some way of wanting to lose weight quickly? Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Because I'd see photos of myself and I didn't recognize myself.

 And I was like, I just felt, ick. So yes, there is gonna be that pressure. And I think I had to fight that really hard. Because also, if you are breastfeeding, if you do go on that diet, you can really jeopardize your milk supply. So that's a big challenge, right? I don't think that's worth it. I know I have a bit of a thing in my head, probably a little bit of a diet culture rule. I've always heard people saying, when you breastfeed, it's so much easier to lose the baby weight and breastfeeding will make the weight fall off and all of these things.

 And then I also hear about how hard breastfeeding is and how much some people struggle with it and I'm just like I have to see I'm like I'm gonna have a baby I'm gonna put on so much weight I'm not gonna be able to breastfeed and I've never been able to get it off. Okay that's all very scary ideas no it's it's not it's not true breastfeeding is really hard. Yeah it looks so hard for some I couldn't I could only breastfeed for six weeks and then I had a breast reduction by the way we'll talk about that in another episode. That's another episode. That's another episode. So my things aren't really connected the way they need to be to breastfeed. But I hear you.

 It's like some people who breastfeed, they do lose weight quickly. And I think the majority of people don't. And there's an expectation that you should and you will. And you won't necessarily, as I said, you could have that increased hunger, you can have the increased thirst. Plus, you're going to be at home all the time, you're going to be sleep deprived, which makes you more likely to do things like emotional eating to deal with the fact that you're having an identity crisis. Yeah, I think we can link it all back to this. Who am I?

 Yeah, so I think it's like the thing is having compassion for yourself and calming out more of the time, getting back into what do your new healthy habits look like. They might not look anything like what they did before. You might not be able to go to Pilates whenever you want. You're going to have to wait until you have more patience with what you're doing and can you stop weighing yourself? Can you use your clothes as a metric for how you're feeling in your body and size up when you need to and bring out those smaller clothes when the time is right? And make sure you're wearing the right bra my friends, your boobs are important things, let's take care of them. It's so important. I know if your bra size is wrong, it doesn't matter what clothes you have on, you feel ick because you can feel yourself spilling over, which then makes you think that there's something wrong with you when really your bra is just wrong.

 Totally. And it's like the back fat thing, right? When the strap that goes around your chest, when that's too tight, I don't know why I always like when I was growing up, I always try to make that the smallest size possible. But I think sizing up on that is really good. Can we just talk about underwear for a moment? Why do I have to wear underwear that is like six times bigger than my actual size? Because I hate it when underwear digs into my love handles and my juicy bits, and then I get this cut. But why do I have to size up a million sizes for that to happen?

 I don't know. On these sizes, sometimes if I'm getting a G-string, I sometimes have to get a size 18 so that it just can sit. Oh my goodness, it's not just me. I'm so glad. What is up with that? Why are panties so itty bitty tiny? We've discovered another thing that's just wankery. It's wankery, guys. I know this is a whole kind of area and if you don't know, I do have an app called Back to Basics, which has got pregnancy and postnatal phase.

 So if you're looking for some workouts that you can do at home to help you rebuild your core muscles, to help you with your pelvic health, we also have Angela James' video. So we talk about things like being intimate with your partner after you've given birth. There's sections I talk about body image and dealing with random comments from strangers about how you haven't bounced back yet or how large you are. So there's a bit of support for you there. So you can try Back to Basics app plus you get some heaps of recipes, meal prep options and nice family-friendly food as well. Because sometimes you only have time to do like a little 10-minute thing on the floor in your room with no equipment and that's just what you need and you still can feel better after doing that.

 Oh my goodness, yes. That's a really nice thing. Just little, little moments where your baby's getting a quick little nap. So all the workouts are 20 minutes and there's five 10-minute workouts there as well. This is what we need. All right, guys, so you can give Back to Basics a try if you want, and of course, ask us any questions. What I did also want to just mention before we talk about the thing we're loving this week is I really am really grateful for the positive feedback we've been getting about the podcast.

 What would be awesome and brilliant if you can find it and you know your loving heart is to leave us a review and you know tell us that you like listening to the podcast. Say how good we are and how much you love us. And that we're informative and helping you like yourself more and not hate yourself more like everything else in the world. That'd be really nice. So thank you. And also to end this podcast episode we're going to talk about something that we are loving or raising up someone that we think is fabulous and there's a new podcast called Enough and it's been produced by The Age and what I think is brilliant about it is that they are very much speaking about mental health for young people so that 18 to 25 year olds, you know, we were all hit hard with our mental health and during COVID, I know I really was, and young people as well. So they go on the podcast and they'll talk about things like suicide and eating disorders and all these big topics.

 So if you are, you don't even have to be within that age demographic. I think it's such an interesting one and it's so good because at that age, you don't have access to maybe, you're still leaning on your parents a lot. So for maybe financial help if you're really young and maybe you don't have the money to go see a psychologist or maybe you don't even know that there are resources out there for things that help you. Sometimes I know so many young people might have eating disorders or problems with that but don't even know that they do. So this podcast, Enough, is fabulous. And just because this is our postnatal friends here who are listening to this podcast probably, I do shout out for Modibodi who have their kind of very much their real bodies.

 When they launched their postnatal range, they actually found that they didn't have images, stock imagery that reflected what real women look like after they give birth. You know, there was just perfect looking women who like just swanned on out of the hospital. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like Kate Middleton after she gave birth four hours later on the balcony. Oh, I feel sorry for her. There was so much pressure on her. Oh, unbelievable. Yeah. And so, Moddy, you can check them out.

 They've got a whole range of like postnatal underwear options because you bleed so much, it's out of control, and bra options and comfortable stuff that you can wear, plus with marketing that actually feels like normal humans that is relatable. So big shout out to them. Thank you, Hottie Boddy. We love them. And thanks so much for listening. If you could leave us a review, we would love it, and we'll chat to you next time. Thanks guys. Bye.

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